A few days back, I answered an email I got from the Austin Crafts For Free group (think Freecycle for craft supplies) from a wonderful woman who had quite a few inkle looms and was not only giving most of them away, but was also offering instruction on how to use them. I sqee'd loud enough to disturb the neighbors (ok, that *might* be an exaggeration), and told her I'd love to have a loom and some instruction. Yesterday, I drove over to her house and met a mother and daughter who were also interested in learning, and we all had a lovely couple of hours of instruction and trying out our new looms. I started with a very basic weave (no patterns yet, though I'm dying to learn how to make some of the ones I've seen), and used the same yarn for the warp as for the weft - a really pretty blue/purple/teal variegated yarn of the plain "Red Heart" variety.
Here's the loom -
Here's my first weaving!
I can't wait to learn and weave more!